audra whisten

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A tale of courage and resilience

This story is about a young girl who had to confront the realities of domestic abuse in her home. Despite this, she went on and became one strong lady, ticking off victories both small and big along the line. I am talking about my daughter Gianna, of course - all set to attend Monmouth Uni this September!

Some people might be surprised that she has seen so much discord in her own home and yet still managed to grow up into a strong woman like herself today - but for me, that was never in question.

I sincerely believe that no one is ever too young to learn the true meaning of strength. Naturally, I have always made sure that I set the right examples for my kids while giving them the space to be themselves, and as evidenced by recent events, and this has clearly paid off- take for instance my daughter's college essay where she talks about her experience witnessing an abusive situation at home and how it helped shape who she became today. It was so touching that I was momentarily stunned when reading through the piece.

To all parents out there, I just want to say that kids are often underestimated by adults as we have no idea just how much knowledge and resilience these kids innately carry. Believe in your children, set the right examples, and no matter how tough the going gets, I promise you they’ll turn out just fine!