Divorce is not the end of the world

Divorce isn't the end of your world. In fact. I’d say even at the risk of sounding clichéd that it is one of the best things that could happen to you. Divorce is a scary and often “drastic” step for any married couple, the emphasis is on drastic because it is not an overnight decision that a couple makes. Neither is it always about completely throwing in the towel or "giving up."

It isn't a tragedy. Sometimes, people are just too different from one another. And sometimes, the domestic situation and arrangements could be truly toxic. Sadly, it could take years for one or both partners to come to terms with these simple facts. But when they do, it is fantastic because it means that they have learned to put themselves first and let go of things that are no longer aligning with their happiness.

And thus, 8th February 2016, the day of my divorce is a landmark day for me - a permanent reminder of my strength, my resolve, my self-love. It has been several years since I made the choice to walk away from an abusive situation.

It has taken all this time for me to speak about it. But I am writing today from a space of contentment and the knowledge that I did the right thing. So I tell you again, divorce is not the end of your world. It’s a beginning of a journey to lifelong happiness and love that you fully deserve.


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