Time heals

Stepping into this brand new year, I want to talk about something that has helped me heal, forget, and grow. Time.

When people hear the phrase “time heals,” it can come across as pretty ambiguous. I mean what is a good amount of time to heal from something that hurt you? A day? A week? A month? A year?

It’s difficult to say because it is hardly, if ever, black and white like that. More importantly, healing doesn’t happen in one magical moment, it happens little by little. When I was going through the hardest time of my life, having just gotten out of a messy divorce, I was beyond mad to hear people say “It will be alright, it just takes time.”

But today, nearly 6 years later, I understand that it was the truth, no matter how clichéd. Time healed me. And today, I would not change a thing about my past because it is what has made me who I am and given me all that I have. The key was time because it helped me realize my true potential.

So whatever you’re going through, trust me when I say that it will most definitely pass and leave you stronger than ever. I wish you a Happy New Year and I hope this is the year you embrace time as your friend.


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