The degrees of Audra Whisten

I’ve been called the Kevin Bacon of New Jersey more than on one occasion. No, really. I have. But it is no accident. The people I choose to know, the connections that I build are excruciatingly intentional. My network is filled with people who are hardworking and smarter than me - which means that I am constantly learning.

With this inexorable attitude, I have become a part of a handful of successful companies by being smart about how networks grow - what better way than surrounding yourself with amazing resources that offer real value? I apply the same philosophy to all my clients. I do not and will not sell or associate myself with a company that I myself would not buy from. This means that I do not deal with any organizations that offer no value. You may be thinking that value is highly subjective. Let me clarify. By value, I refer to the undertaking of any company to fulfill a core need or offer a solution to the problem of a section of people. Frivolous and ostentatious goods do not interest me in the least, not just as a salesman but also as a consumer. And because I surround myself only with the best products or services out there (ones you'll need), my clients find my judgment reliable and trustworthy.

Naturally, they become repeat purchasers from nearly all brands that I associate myself with. Today, I am immensely proud of the work I do because whilst selling for others, I have managed to build a little community that recognizes me, Audra Whisten as a brand. And what do I sell? Solutions. Never products, never services. Always solutions.


Step up in 2022


Early cancer diagnosis saves lives